Protected: Primal Yoga Sequence- Beginner

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Forms of Primal Fitness

Primal fitness does not have to be overwhelming. But it should be targeted in the sense that you are aware of what you are doing, how often you should be doing it, at what level of intensity, and what your own personal needs are. The basic premise behind primal fitness is: mobility, strength and high intensity.

Food Lies on a Spectrum

Food lies on a spectrum. On one end is nutritional, enjoyable, healthy food. At the other end is food like products. In between lies food items like: has nutritional value but can cause inflammation, sweet and tasty but can spike insulin levels, healthy food sprayed with pesticides, and animals raised in poor conditions and improperly fed. Let’s examine this spectrum and see how we can make our best choices.

The Primal Health Coach Program

You can probably see from my previous blogs, and because I state it pretty explicitly, I focus on health and well-being as being the primary direction for my life.  After having serious gut intestinal health issues throughout my life, I finally decided to take the opportunity and apply to the Primal Health Coach course byContinue reading “The Primal Health Coach Program”

Juxtaposing the Primal with the Practical

There is a conundrum between primal living and how our world works. How do we resolve this? Isn’t it contradictory for me to be preaching the benefits of a primal way of life, while using tech and social media to promote its potential? And the answer is yes and no. It is not always a clear answer. It depends on the perspective, but in the end it’s about moderation, control and intent.

Welcome to Primal Action

Welcome to Primal Action Health Coaching. I am uber excited to be introducing you to the wellness programming that I have been working on for many years. It’s all come to fruition in the past couple months by signing up for the Primal Blueprint Health Coaching certification, which I am nearing to completion.